Creative Writing Ideas——-7 Tips to Improve Short Story Writing

A great creative writing blog to create your own short stories and writing prompts

Creative writing ideas
creative writing tips
Creative writing Ideas

Creative writing needs to get loads of practice–but–this practice may go in vain if smart and brilliant tips and ideas do not consider during practice. The improvement in creative writing requires all the elements of a short story: problem, solution, characters, and setting.

4 Trustworthy Elements of a Short Story:

1: Problem

Find the best problem by looking around yourself because your entire social context can provide you with the best approach to target the problems and that would be your best prompt or idea. To illustrate:

  • your next-door neighbor,
  • the creepy house at the end of your street,
  • your naughty siblings,
  • your favorite book,

2: Solution

The appropriate solution comes to you automatically, once you decide the genre of your story, further link your story with the characters of your story. Solutions need the best research for creative writing prompts. The reader creates his or her emotional involvement diving through the problem so solutions should be written to satisfy the reader’s involvement.

3: Characters

Your characters of the story are the real force to get the reader into your creative story. The characters can also be taken from your surrounding. Every short story needs at least one short main character along with other supporting characters. Keeping the main problem in mind, you can invent your main character. Your main character is also called the protagonist of your story or the hero of your story. Similarly, the other main character is the antagonist —villain—of the story.

4: Setting

The setting calls for the place where the actual story happens. By creating a strong setting, the writer compels the reader to get involved in the story with all of his heart. Moreover, a setting could be the best descriptive piece of your story that uses all the five senses: It helps the reader to visualize the story in his mind.

3 Interesting Features of Creative Writing

creative writing ideas
Creative Writing Learning

1: Dialogues are the main source of interest to dramatize the story, equally, dialogues create a tone in your creative text. Your character is sad, happy, excited, or angry–dialogues help to determine them. Dialogues should be;

  • Full of emotions
  • Easy to comprehend
  • Depicts the further story
  • Enhances the conflict
  • Move the story further

2: Literary devices are the inevitable feature of a creative -short -story writing. A story without literary devices is like the sky without a moon and stars. These devices backbones the descriptive level of a story. Even though, there are a number of devices, among those following 10 are the most common. These devices include;

3: Sensory detail includes the five main senses of a person’s ability to understand anything. Those are:

Those all five senses create a deep interest and catches the reader’s attention towards the story. Equally, those sensory details create a vivid picture in your reader’s mind, to illustrate;

I have a headache.


I have a thumping headache that is going to burst me in tears.

You can clearly examine the effectiveness of sensory details, further, sensory details help you to picture the scene immediately in your mind.


Combining all the features and tips, not only you can create an interesting piece of a short story but you can also create;

Creative writing is an umbrella that covers a lot of categories and creates interesting texts.everybody can enhance his creative skill through rigorous practice. For your meaningful practice, there are few best creative writing prompts -use them and get better at your creative writing.

4 Creative writing prompts/exercises to improve your creative skills

1: Firstly, write down the daily and unique incidents from your own life in the form of a short story. Just settle down with your thoughts, dive in your surroundings. Find a problem, even, its solution, and finally create characters and settings. Use lots of descriptive languages, sensory details, and literary devices………….there you go with a classic piece of creative writing.

2: Secondly, find an interesting character, weave a string of events around that character. Find strong adjectives for that character. Add dialogues, add the technique of visualization, and use interesting settings to develop the character.

3: Thirdly, pick up the best short stories and start reading them. Look around for the elements of a short story, find the best features, note them down on paper, and start paraphrasing them. Keep all elements the same, only paraphrase the dialogues, descriptions, and devices, finally, you will find this exercise an ultimate change in your creative writing.

4: Fourthly, memorize the old fairy tales told by your granny, similarly, visualize them thoroughly and start creating your own fairy tale while adding strong vocabulary, adjectives, visual description, and sensory details.

Happy creative writing with all these exercises.

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1 Response

  1. October 28, 2020

    […] sentence structure or creative writing often seems unapproachable. Holding a pen, sitting on a writing table, you can find yourself in a […]

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